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This website is devoted to providing simple, straightforward explanations to help people understand some of the complex issues we face as a planet today, so that they can make up their own minds about these issues and what they want to do about them.

If you are a little weak on physics or science, or get scared off by the math, the section on Knowing Our World will provide concepts helpful to understand issues today. If you want a discussion specifically on global warming, but without the complex conspiracy theories, see the section on Climate Change. Neither section requires any previous knowledge or background.


Controversial Finding or Established Fact?
How to tell truth from hoax, and why a scientific finding may appear controversial but be "established fact."

Energy - What Makes the World Work
Energy is a very useful concept, easy to understand and requiring no background in science or math.

(Rest of site under construction)


Top Ten Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics
Discussion of the main objections put forth by climate change skeptics, from a fair and balanced point of view.

Our Earth in 2050
What to expect from climate change in just 40 years, if we follow advice from global warming skeptics.

The group of postings is about change. Changes, good and bad, that are coming and that we may want to prepare for. Changes that may be needed, and that we might want to work toward.

The posts include discussions of arguments by those who would deny that change is coming. Some of the more extreme skeptics, especially those supported covertly by special interest groups, have put forth deliberately confusing and misleading arguments. These deliberate misdirections and outright lies are countered by examining the facts and using straightforward and honest analysis.

The posts include interpretation and analysis of relevant research from other scientists -- results that seem especially worth distributing to a wider audience. The analysis is informed by a particular point of view, including chaotic systems theory and a lifetime of observing change on this planet and people's reactions to it.

COMMENTS made by readers, and replies from this site, follow directly after the main text of each post, in order of date posted. If you wish to contribute a comment, click on the comment link at the very bottom of the most appropriate page.

Please, if you want to convince others of your point of view, give whatever background you can for what you say. If you think the Earth is warmer because the sun's output has increased lately, please let us know where you read or heard this idea, and any evidence that was given for it. I myself have no idea at all where people are getting some of the ideas stated, and I would really love to find out more about the ideas and what their sources are.